Aframe signs can be used both indoors and outdoors.
Excellent for attracting attention to special offers or sales your store might have.
Our Standard A-Frames are heavy duty and can withstand strong winds. Printed in full colour on both sides and can be laminated for longevity and easy cleaning.
Available in 600mm x 900mm
& 900mm x 1200mm
Corflute Insertable A-Frames give you the ability to change your signage as often as you like.
Available in 600mm x 900mm
& 900mm x 1200mm
Aframe created for fitness classes. Bright, colourful and eye-catching. Matt laminated for extra protection and to reduce glare from sunlight and street lights.
Aframe created for fitness classes. Bright, colourful and eye-catching. Matt laminated for extra protection and to reduce glare from sunlight and street lights.
Aframe created for fitness classes. Bright, colourful and eye-catching. Matt laminated for extra protection and to reduce glare from sunlight and street lights.
Aframe created for fitness classes. Bright, colourful and eye-catching. Matt laminated for extra protection and to reduce glare from sunlight and street lights.
Aframe created for a beauty salon. Large high resolution image to attract potential customers. Gloss Laminated for extra protection and for a stylish finish.
Insertable coreflute aframe